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Decorative Succulent plants

Succulent Terrarium  Workshop Instructions



Step One

​Select your container of choice and ensure the container is clean & dry. Fill up the base of your container with about ¾ inch of pebbles or gravel. This will ensure your soil is well drained.


Step Two

​Next, add a layer of soil, about 1-1.5 inch. Dig a hole to place your succulent(s) using your thumb or terrarium tools. Ensure that you thoroughly cover the roots with soil.
Tip: Place your larger succulent(s) first.


Step Three

Add your final layer of decorative gravel or pebbles (about ¼ - ½ inch) to cover the soil.  


Step Four

​Decorate your terrarium with your preferred ornaments, moss or air plants.

Decorative Succulent plants

Step Five

​Enjoy your new terrarium! Ensure you give it some natural light (but not long under direct sunlight) and spray your terrarium every other week or as needed.



Succulents do not need much water and prefer well drained soil.  


For air plants - mist once a week or may soak in water for 20 min every 2 weeks. Allow air plants to air dry with root facing up. 



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